Smoke Testing Vs Sanity Testing with Realtime Example

đź“Ś Smoke Testing and Sanity Testing are types of software testing, but they focus on different purposes.

Smoke Testing:

đź’ˇPurpose: To check if the basic functionalities of the application are working after a new build or deployment.

đź’ˇWhen: After a new build or release, to make sure the critical features don’t break.

đź’ˇScope: Broad but shallow testing to ensure the stability of the build.

đź’ˇReal-time Example: Imagine a new version of an e-commerce app is released. In smoke testing, you’d check if:

1. The app launches.
2. Users can log in.
3. Products load on the homepage.
4. Payments can be initiated.

If these key features are working, the build is considered stable for further testing.

Sanity Testing:

đź’ˇPurpose: To verify that specific bugs or issues are fixed and that no further problems have been introduced.

đź’ˇWhen: After a minor change or bug fix in the software.

đź’ˇScope: Narrow but deep testing focused on specific functionality.

đź’ˇReal-time Example: If the app's payment system had a bug and the team fixed it, sanity testing would involve:

1. Verifying that the payment issue is resolved.
2. Checking that related features (like discount application or receipt generation) work fine after the fix.

This ensures the fix didn’t cause new problems in the related areas.

đź’ˇIn short:

Smoke Testing: General health check of the application.

Sanity Testing: Focused check after specific changes.


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